2024 Event Details
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4:45PM | Procession starts at the Museum and goes to Catalpa and Clark
5PM | Performance at the Christmas Tree on Catalpa
7PM | Ebenezer Lutheran Church, 1650 W Foster

During the event, children dress up as St. Lucia, wearing crowns of candles, and someone will be crowned this year's Lucia. There will have a performance by the Lucia candidates and a procession on Clark Street by all St. Lucia and Star Boy participants.

Almost every town in Sweden chooses one girl to be that year’s Lucia girl and lead the town’s Lucia parade. The chosen girl wears a white full-length chemise with a red sash around her waist, and a ring of lingonberry sprigs on her head. The wreaths hold real candles, which give the effect of a halo. The Lucia girl is joined by a group of Lucia attendants and Star Boys, who together form a choir that sing Christmas carols and the traditional Lucia Song. Individual families also choose their own Lucia – usually the oldest daughter — whose duties are to sing and serve the family saffron buns and peppakakor.

Chicago’s Andersonville neighborhood was first settled as a Swedish farming community after the Great Fire of 1871, when Swedish enclaves on the near north side of Chicago moved further north. Today, Andersonville still honors its Swedish traditions, while hosting a vibrant, diverse community with many cultures.

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